Hucclecote Meadows received Natural England SSSI status during the 1980’s. With its main entrance located opposite Laxton Road (on Lobley’s Drive) the Nature Reserve being the main focus of the Site of Special Scientific Interest is an abundance of ancient hay and wildflower meadows – managed by Gloucester Countryside Rangers, whilst the other two fields are outside of the City boundary, yet within Tewkesbury Borough and Stroud District.

With the two fields outside of Gloucester City control under private ownership, there is a public right of way (trail) through the two most southern fields – from Sycamore Walk-to-Lobley’s Drive. Although the Land Owners have responsibility for Managing the fields, anyone who visits, uses or crosses the land also has a responsibility to themselves, to other users, and also (with respect) to the Land Owners!

Subject to No Machinery, Operations or Livestock present on our Land….
You are more than welcome to amble, walk, stroll or even jog across the land, all that we respectfully ask is that you stick to the public right of way, and pick-up & take with you any rubbish or waste that either you or any in your party have dropped/discarded along your way through or across the land!

Dog Control Orders (pdf download!)
as per Paragraph 13
‘ The prescribed Fouling of Land by Dogs Order in Schedule 1 to the Dog Control Orders (Prescribed Offences and Penalties, etc.) Regulations states specifically that being unaware of a dog’s defecation, or not having a device or other suitable means of removing the faeces is not a reasonable excuse for failing to comply with the order ‘

Feel free to report any damage, vandalism or even mis-use as below:
01242-521-381 (Natural England Gloucesterhire Team)
0845-090-1234 (The Local Police)
WhatsApp Messages or eMail: pcpost@this-domain-name (The Landowner)
or via our online form here

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