We all know that having to control our Kids or Pets (or even both at the same time) can often be a daunting task, and we agree that it is nice to give them a little freedom every now and again, especially to “Go Explore”! All that we do ask of our site visitors is – to please just be responsible….

A public right of way (PRoW) trail goes directly through the middle of our Meadows (see diagram/image/map!)
Unfortunately, over time – numerous “other” (trampled) routes have appeared either across or through our meadows – which results in the more delicate of the meadow species being unable to flourish!

Please help the wildlife throughout our meadows and keep to the only designated walkway – that being the footpath (PRoW) as identified!

Amongst other hazards – Dog fouling increases nutrient levels in the soil, therefore reducing wildflower diversity.
Picking up your dog’s waste is a health imperative, never mind being a common courtesy. Pooper Scooping also helps reduce the likelihood of spreading disease and viruses such as E.Coli and Coccidia. Again, possibly passing it on to humans, especially the children that play in our meadows. That dog poop can contain worms and their eggs, such as toxocara canis (roundworm) – which can cause disease or infections in humans.

Just one pile of dog poop can contain a million roundworm eggs!
In humans this can lead to stomach upsets, throat infections, asthma and in some cases blindness. Over 100 cases of partial blindness in children are seen every year due to toxocara canis eggs in dogs poop. Cleaning up after your dogs and following a regular de-worming programme can help bring this number down.

The meadows have (since 2006) been recorded in a favourable condition. However, due to the trampling & creating of other routes/trails, and the amount of Dog Waste that is being left behind, if the status changes to unfavourable – we will take the appropriate steps to legally withdraw the Public Right of Way (PRoW!)

We therefore (with all due respect & fair warning) request that ALL site visitors….

Many thanks….

* Dog Control Orders (pdf download!)
as per Paragraph 13
‘ The prescribed Fouling of Land by Dogs Order in Schedule 1 to the Dog Control Orders (Prescribed Offences and Penalties, etc.) Regulations states specifically that being unaware of a dog’s defecation, or not having a device or other suitable means of removing the faeces is not a reasonable excuse for failing to comply with the order ‘

Feel free to report any damage, vandalism or even mis-use as below:
01242-521-381 (Natural England Gloucesterhire Team)
0845-090-1234 (The Local Police)
WhatsApp Messages or eMail: pcpost@this-domain-name (The Landowner)
or via our online form here

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