Subject to No Machinery, Operations or Livestock present on our Land….
You are more than welcome to amble, walk, stroll or even jog across the land, all that we respectfully ask is that you stick to the public right of way, and pick-up & take with you any rubbish or waste that either you or any in your party have dropped/discarded along your way through or across our land! THIS INCLUDES THE DISPOSAL OF TURF OR ANY OTHER GARDEN WASTE..!!

In anticipation of the “Annual Cut” of the grasses (for Hay) – it was noticed that somebody had taken on the assumption that they were the owner of the Meadows.

So, I’m here (on this occasion) to put you straight, and to Apologies for the incoming “rant” – but, I don’t see why we (or any other) landowner should put-up with the lazy ba-stuards that assume they have a God-Given Right to dispose of their Leftovers or Garden Waste over our gateway!   I would love to find out who this was, so that I can return the favour and explain to them – the errors of their ways….

The waste was in the form of Turf, either rolls left-over, or removed from somebody’s garden and heaved over the gateway into the Meadow from the Lobleys Drive end (see pics!)

If anyone happened to see anything – I would be most grateful if you could forward the details please, and also if anyone sees anything “iffy” going-on in the future, please record the event(s) and feel free to pass any details on.

And, don’t forget – although this is Private Land and subject to no Livestock Grazing or Mowing/Baling operation taking place – we are happy to allow you the right to amble, walk, stroll or even jog across the land, all that we respectfully ask is that you stick to the public right of way, and pick-up & take with you any rubbish or waste that either you or any in your party have dropped/discarded along your way through or across the land!

Thanks (in advance) for giving it your consideration, and again – my apologies for the above “rant!”

Feel free to report any damage, vandalism or even mis-use as below:
01242-521-381 (Natural England Gloucesterhire Team)
0845-090-1234 (The Local Police)
WhatsApp Text Messages or eMail: pcpost@this-domain-name (The Landowner)
or via our online form here

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