This ‘short-cut’ extends from the South-East corner (Sycamore Walk, nearby to the Martyn Close/Play Area) and tracks in a North Westerley direction, which will exit across the stile leading on to Lobleys Drive!

This is a polite request for you to please keep within the designated area, that being highlighted/shown as ‘lime green’ (or a direct line) on the attached four images. This will reduce the trampling of the protected plant species found within the lands.
Also, can you please keep any Dog’s under control, that means unless you have full (recall) control – they MUST be kept on a lead. Please remember to ‘collect any poop’ and take it away with you, as this can also have a detrimental effect on the plant species, plus any vulnerable Visitors to the site!

We do consider this to be a reasonable request, however – failure to comply may result in future access to the site being suspended, pending revue with the Land Owners, DEFRA, Natural England and the Local Authorities.

Images are Copyright 2023 and sourced via facilities provided by Google Earth 

Feel free to report any damage, vandalism or even mis-use as below:
01242-521-381 (Natural England Gloucesterhire Team)
0845-090-1234 (The Local Police)
WhatsApp Messages or eMail: pcpost@this-domain-name (The Landowner)
or via our online form here

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